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Author:  charliewood [ Wed Nov 07, 2007 5:29 am ]
Post subject: 

I looked at the current discussions and found that the Vancouver Island Luthier Groups - "Guitars By Hand" show post has already drifted into the archives.... or else I would have posted this in there.
   Well, fellow attendee's.. as luck would have it, & in a strange twist of fate - it appears I will be able to attend this show after all.
Whereas I thought The Mother in Laws visit would preclude my attendance - its actually going to enable it! It turns out members of her husbands family will be in Naniamo at the time the show is on, and she wants to go and visit with them.
So the Missus and I will be going to pick her up on Saturday, fortunately for me the same day as the show!
This enables me to attend the show after all - and Im really excited about it!!!!!

   So Im wondering who it is that I might meet there?
   Rod? are you going after all?
   John Abercrombie are you going? Will you be exhibiting?
   Is Robert Anderson going to be exhibiting? - I have been desperately wanting to see his work up close and personal!
   DannyV will you be there? - other up Island Dan will you?
   Please guys let me know if you will be going.
   Id like very much to meet some of the members here if possible - it will be the first time I will be able to do such, and Im pretty happy about it!!!    
Now unfortunately, Im working on a bit of a timeframe also - as its not just my itinerary that is being met in this expedition, but the Missus and her Mom's also.....

So I will be there from about 10am roughly to about 4 in the afternoon roughly...
Id like to arrange to meet some folks from here if possible... if your interested perhaps we an arrange a time if its convenient.
I will be pretty easy to spot as Im in a wheelchair...

I was really hoping that luthiers would also be able to brings wood and tools for sale also, but Im not sure if thats going to be part of the gig or not..

Anyway - Looking REALLY forward to meeting all those who will be in attendance!!!!!!! especially seeing as I missed every luthiers Guild meeting this summer.
And Im really stoked to see the offerings of my local GuitArtisans.. :)

Author:  Rod True [ Wed Nov 07, 2007 5:59 am ]
Post subject: 

Right on Charlie.

Sad to say though, I won't be able to attend. I sure would have liked to have gone but the home front circumstances just won't allow it at this time.

One of these days we'll meet up I'm sure and I'll buy you a beer and have some good laughs and chat about guitars.

Danny V is going as he sent me a PM stating so and graciously offering me a ride (What a nice guy) from the ferry terminal.

So, sad to say I won't be there (darn-it) but one of these days I'll get over to the Island for a gathering.

Glad you can make it though Charlie. Take your camera (fresh batteries too) and snap some pics for us will ya.

Author:  charliewood [ Wed Nov 07, 2007 9:31 am ]
Post subject: 

Awwww Thats too bad Rod - I was really looking forward to meeting you in person finally!! BUmmer
Well mabye you can come to a VILG meeting sometime - and we can meet there,
There is always the possibility of me coming to Van to do a Lee Valley run,,,, perhaps a rendevous could be arranged in such an instance.
How about it - anyone else going to be there between 10am and 4pm?

Author:  Daniel M [ Thu Nov 08, 2007 7:06 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey Charlie;
Yeah, I'll have a table there too. I'll have six guitars, a Weiss & a zook on display.
Looking forward to seeing you (& any other OLFers that can make it). At last count, there were twenty presenters signed up. Should be a great show!
Now I just have to get all those labels printed & glued in. It's getting down to the wire!

See ya there!   Dan

Author:  Scott McKee [ Fri Nov 09, 2007 12:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hey Charlie, I've just posted the exhibitors bios on the website at:

See you tomorrow


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